
Finding Stories to Write in PubDAO

Getting Started

There are three kinds of stories currently available for writing in PubDAO:

  1. Amplification
  2. Research Articles / Thought Leadership
  3. Sponsored Content/Writing as a Service

Amplification Articles

Amplification articles are articles are meant to be an introductory task for writers. Do you write for a publication or publish content to your own blog/newsletter? Write an article about PubDAO, what we're trying to accomplish, and why you're interested in it, and post it on your publication. The goal of this bounty is to gain exposure for PubDAO and how you can work with us. Amplification articles can only be produced once per writer.

To submit an amplification article, share a link to it in #ready-to-publish once it's been published (or if you want a DAO editor to look it over before publishing).

Research Articles & Thought Leadership

Research articles are in depth research and analysis pieces on projects, products, or organizations in the blockchain and Web3 ecosystems. Once you've completed an amplification article, research pieces are a great way to continue familiarizing yourself with how the DAO functions.

Research pieces must first be approved by DAO members in the #story-ideas thread. Bring up whatever it is you'd like to write about in Discord and ask for feedback, someone from the Editorial Guild will either approve or deny the idea. If approved, a mod will create a thread for your story under the #story-ideas channel that will serve as your work station, where you can collaborate with editors and ask for feedback. Once completed, post a link to the article in Ready-to-publish.

Research articles are placed in internal PubDAO publications.

Sponsored Content / Writing as a Service

PubDAO is now offering a service to other DAOs and Web3 projects where they can submit a request to have their project covered in major publications. Additionally, we also field requests for general writing tasks such as press releases, white papers, etc. When a request for sponsored content comes into the DAO, it is offered up to Early Contributors. The fee paid to PubDAO is split between the writer who produces the article and the publications that publish it.

These writing gigs will be added as individual tasks to the bounty board, and will also be shared in Discord.

🥷Bounty Board